Chronicles of Islamic History
2 min readApr 22, 2022


Being the ruler of a land just attaining stability was not an easy task, the land has been a place where dissensions and rebellion are easily carried out considering the inhabitants from diverse background such as the Arab Muslims of different tribes, Spanish Muslims (later known as the moors or Moorish), Spanish Christians, Berbers, Jews etc. Although, Abdurrahman was young, he was a very good commander on the battlefield and a good administrator when it comes to politics all this adding to his greatness and popularity.

He was lucky to reunite with his son sulayman back after those years of separation but he was not able to bring his sisters to Spain because of the long trip, nevertheless, the Abbasids have respect for the Umayyad princesses and the girls preferred to stay back in the East.Abdurrahman appointed most of his trusted companion and family members to important positions to avoid betrayal and to get people who will work for him wholeheartedly.

They were still feuds between some Arab tribes, some of his family members even try to usurp power from him and some cities try to break away from the central Government of Cordova which becamea major problem he had to deal with for the next 25 years of his rule. Although, most of the Northern states were still ruled independently by other Arab chiefs, he still had aims of capturing them. In 764A.D, he moved to Toledo to put down a rebellion, also he defeated some group of Yemenites in 774A.D who assisted Ibn Mugith when he came to attack Spain to take over it for the Abassid caliph.

Abdurrahman had to face king Charlemagne of France (grandson of Charles martel who defeated Abdurrahman bn Ghafiqi in the battle of Poiters about 20 years ago) in war because the self-appointed chief of regions like Barcelona and especially Zaragoza in the North whose chief was sulayman who were not ready to surrender to the Cordovan government made an alliance with him. Charlemagne wanted to add Zaragoza to his territory which didn’t bode well with sulayman, the Franks captured sulayman but his relatives wiped out part of Charlemagne’s army. Considering this, Abdurrahman doesn’t have to deal with a large Christian force as there is already misunderstanding between them. He manipulated one of the allies of sulayman, Al-husayn to take over the leadership of Saragozza with condition that it will be under the Cordovan Umayyad emirate. After about two years of agreement, Al-husayn broke the agreement declaring his independence. Once again, Abdurrahman was on the way to clear away the filth of Zaragoza for the last time. He was granted victory over Zaragoza in the year 779A.D.with this, the whole of Spain fell to his hands and at his command.



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