1.Al-Battani (858 – 929)
Also known as Albatenius Arab mathematician, scientist, and astronomer who improved existing values for the length of the year and of the seasons.
2.Ibn Sina (980 – 1037)
Also known as Avicenna by the westerners. Persian philosophers and scientists have recognized him for their contributions to philosophy and medicine.He discovered that light travel faster than sound, for example lightning travel faster than the sound of thunder. He invented a device to monitor stars coordinates.
3.Ibn Battuta (1304 – 1369)
Also known as Shams ad–Din. Arab traveler and scholar who wrote one of the most famous travel books in history, the Rihlah. He travelled more than any other explorer in pre-modern history, totalling around 117,000 in a period without planes or cars
4.Ibn Rushd (1126 – 1198)
Also known as Averroes by the westerners. Ibn Rushd’s writings spread more than 20,000 pages, the most famous of which deal with philosophy, medicine, logic and jurisprudence. He wrote 20 books on medicine.
5.Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (780 – 850)
Also known as Algoritmi or Algaurizin by the west. His works introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals into use and also he was the first person to work on the concept of concepts of algebra and algorithm which is of great importance in today’s technology world.
The video above made by 1001 Inventions is a small film showing some of the Muslim civilization scientists and their important inventions
To be continued tomorrow...