Tariq bn ziyad left Africa with 7,000 Berbers some of whom were still Christians. He was transported to Spain with the help of small flotillas (boat-like structure) provided by Count Julian and he landed in Spain in April or May 711A.D.
Tariq arrived near a rock at the sea side which was later named after him as Jabal-u- Tariq known in present day as Gibraltar. Julian accompanied him on this expedition as a guide since he was very conversant with the area. Tariq advanced westward and in the meantime, he demanded for reinforcement from Musa. He was sent another contingent of 5000 Berbers. The first historical battle took place on July 19,711A.D coinciding with the 28th of Ramadan 92A.H in La Junda known as the battle of Guadalete.
Facing a large army of 100,000 Goths upon landing, he ordered his men to burn all the flotillas so that no one will lose heart and flee, then he advised them in this golden words saying; “Oh Muslims, how will you be able to flee? The sea is behind you and the enemy before you. By Allah, only your courage and patience can now help you now”. The battle began and it lasted a week. Allah granted victory to the Muslim army and they routed the Gothic army. Roderick escaped never to be heard of again while the remaining of his army flee away scattered in different directions.
Musa bn Nusair was overjoyed with the victory and he asked Tariq to halt his advance and wait for his arrival but Tariq tactically continued his advance in order to prevent the enemy from regrouping. He captured Ecija and upon the advice of Julian, he sent out different forces from his army to capture other cities.
This was the brief story of how the Muslims began their campaign in Europe. The next significant entry of the Muslims into Europe was through the East after the next five century during the rise of the Ottoman Empire in 1299.
Anticipate till our next publication.