Sa’eed’s father, Musayyib, was one of the Muhajirun who migrated from Makkah to Medina together with his grandfather, Hazn. Musayyib pledged his allegiance to the Prophet (s) in the Pledge of Ridwan (or Pledge of Satisfaction). He was Abu Hurayrah’s son-in-law.
Sa’eed exhibited many virtuous characteristics such as knowledgeability, piety, and courage. He was a well-known scholar of jurisprudence in Medina; he was known among people for his piety, and he challenged the caliphs of his time, which shows his courage. He was an interpreter of dreams too. But he was blind in one of his eyes.
Some people called him “faqih al-fuqaha” and some considered him to be the most knowledgeable scholar of his time. According to al-Ya’qubi, he was a jurist in Medina in the period of Mu’awiya b. Abi Sufyan until the period of ‘Abd al-Malik b. Marwan. Abdullah bn Umar(R.A) also believed that he was competent to issue fatwah and Imam Hanbal said the Hadith narrated by him without a chain of the narrator are reliable.
He was also good at narrating dreams, A few days before the martyrdom of Imam al-Hasan, a person saw in a dream that Sura al-Tawhid was written between the Imam’s two eyes. He told Sa’id about his dream. Sa’id interpreted the dream by saying that “the Imam will only live a few days”.
Abd al-Malik b. Marwan saw in a dream that he urinated in the mihrab four times. Sa’id interpreted his dream by saying that four of his children will undertake the caliphate. Also, a man went to Sa’id and said: “I saw in a dream that the prophet Musa (as), threw someone into the sea”. Sa’id said that “‘Abd al-Malik will die three days later”. On the third day, the news about ‘Abd al-Malik’s death arrived. He was asked how he gave such an interpretation. He replied: “Because Musa (as) threw Pharaoh into the sea, and I hold that the Pharaoh of our time is ‘Abd al-Malik”.
He was also very sincere with the caliphs and opposed them when they are wrong, he also avoided their companionship, he was even whipped twice because of this and he called Abdul Malik bn Marwan the pharaoh of their time.
He was also well reputed for never missing a single solat behind the Imam and never missing the first row in solaat for 50 years
May Allah bless him and grant him a high place in Jannah.